Club Evolution [Live Event]: Strength of the Body, Rise of the Soul


Heavy Club training for soulAt next month’s:

CLUB Evolution by Dare To Evolve

at Wolf Fitness Systems in California, an experience unlike any other will be underway. A 2-day, in depth, transformational club training seminar will be set afire. An Evolution of EPIC proportions! Will you be fanning the flames with us?

The opportunity to launch the new year with purpose, vision and focus will be opening its arms wide to take you in its embrace. To support you unequivocally as you leap towards the next level of your capacity and potential! Will you embrace it back?

The call to connect to the Heart that resides within as we learn to wield a tool (the Club) that so thoroughly reflects life in its movement, is echoing off the walls of your awareness. Will you take hold and tap into the power it offers? Do you dare to listen and allow the rhythm and beat to find expression?

The Dare, to Evolve, is at your door… will you stop delaying and ignite your Life Evolution now?

Click here to to do so… if you Dare.

Dare To Evolve,


Shane Heins is the founder and owner of Dare To Evolve.
