Train With Shane: Club Mass Evolution – Day 11

Building muscle… real, functional, life enhancing muscle… is about finding the balance.

What would you say has been your greatest challenge finding that balance? And how have you (or are currently working on to) overcome it?

Dare To Evolve,


Shane Heins is the founder and owner of Dare To Evolve.

2 Responses to Train With Shane: Club Mass Evolution – Day 11

  1. In the past I have found taking the time to get in more mobility and yoga sessions harder to stick to. The high intensity of exercise can give you a euphoria that makes you forget the other side of the coin (until your body rebels from overuse). Some persistent aches and pains have made it easier to take the time to slow down and release the tension and loosen up the muscles/tendons that just don’t want to move how they should. It also makes my monthly visit to my massage therapist alot less painful 🙂

    • And Brent, you are certainly not alone there. Most of us are challenged by this very same thing (me included). While staying consistent, it is still always toughest, mentally, to attend to the mobility and release of tension. But because “the work” component makes us feel like we made immense progress already. We feel, as you said, that euphoria at successfully attending to our goal, so the other stuff feels inconsequential as it is lower intensity overall.

      The body, however, will only let us off for so long. Another great example of why pain is not an “enemy” trying to stop us, but a signpost to help us do better.

      Good on you for sticking with it!
