Now why would I want to train with Shane Heins’ Clubbell Mass Evolution? Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Now why would I want to train with Shane Heins’ Clubbell Mass Evolution? Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Grant and Natalie, continue the Beta testing of Shane Heins new upcoming Clubbell training program: the Clubbell Mass Evolution. Building strong lean muscle mass made accessible to everyone. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Michelle and Geoff, the other couple Beta testing Shane Heins new upcoming Clubbell training program: the Clubbell Mass Evolution. A revolution in the arena of building strong lean muscle mass. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Grant and Natalie, one of the couples Beta testing Shane Heins new upcoming Clubbell training program: the Clubbell Mass Evolution. A revolution in the arena of building strong lean muscle mass. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#3– Dynamic Bodyweight Exercise Tutorial – Tripod Overhead Extension 3 with Shane Heins! Final instruction to greater spine health, while strengthening and opening up the shoulder and hips. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Shane Heins (TACFIT Team Leader) showing that training hard doesn’t have to hurt or break you down. One can in fact derive a sense of….fun…out of seeing their progress skyrocket. And TACFIT delivers. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#2– Dynamic Bodyweight Exercise Tutorial – Tripod Overhead Extension 2! To think, bending over backwards being something positive. Shane Heins taking you through a movement important for spine health, while strengthening and opening up the shoulder and hips. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#1– Dynamic Bodyweight Exercise Tutorial- Tripod Overhead Extension 1! Shane Heins gives the key steps to getting you extending up and back through strength. Important for spine health, while strengthening and opening up the shoulder and hips. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Shane Heins (a week away from successfully earning his certification as a CST Head Coach and TACFIT Team Leader) shares the keys to successfully earning your own certification as a Circular Strength Training Instructor or TACFIT Field Instructor. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#4– Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Leg Swoop 4! This is it. Putting it all together with Shane Heins (CST Head Coach). Dynamic movement. Arm strength. Core stability. Hip mobility. ‘Nuff said. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading