Club Evolution™ Testimonials

GMB Coach Ryan Hurst trains Club Mass Evolution


“Hi Shane, I am currently sweating my way thru the 2nd month of Club Mass Evolution™, and am going to have to buy a complete new wardrobe, if I purchase Club Hero Evolution™ should I wait another few months to buy new clothes and go commando (but it is winter here) or buy new clothes now and send you the invoice for 2 lots of clothes after I complete CBHE? Sorry just being a bit tongue in cheek. Love your work and hope Club Hero Evolution™ is a big success for you. I will be purchasing it!”

Regards, Guy M.


“At the end of the first month of Club Mass Evolution and man oh man, I was like a whole different person. My Tennis was better, my music playing was better, you name it and it was better….. I should note though, the gains I made in the one month stuck. I did not lose any tone or strength or anything. My girlfriend was really impressed, she thought I would deflate a little, but I haven’t.”

~Sam C.


“Thanks Coach! I appreciate you and your work. I’m really enjoying the Club Mass Evolution™ workouts and improving my strength and flexibility. If you go to my profile pics on FB, you’ll see a pic of a wrecked car-that was me, almost 30 years ago. I have had a lot of problems walking ever since. Running is/has been out of the question. After 6 weeks of Club Mass Evolution though, my balance is better, I’m getting more flexibility in my lower leg, I can walk better, tendinitis in my left elbow is decreasing, grip is stronger (measured with dynamometer). I can’t do/shouldn’t do situps because of a midline hernia, but my abs never looked better, thanks to Club Mass Evolution! Excited to be part of “the Evolution”!”

Thanks again! Dr. Peter R.


“Just wanted to share a win with you-when I started TACFIT, almost 2 years ago, I couldn’t do the lunges, my injured foot/leg wouldn’t allow me to do more than about 20 % depth. Same story thru Mass Assault, Drift/Accelerator. Hips got better from P1. Had trouble with lunges in Club Mass Evolution™. Did the Spiderman Mobility, but I was dying to swing the clubs. Stuck with it though, and man, what a great program (Club Hero Evolution™), it’s like a new body! When I started Thor cycle, I was surprised how strong I still was, and how good my form was-in control. And, I can easily lunge to full 90 degrees and spring up! WOOOOHOOO! the injury was 30 years ago, and this is a huge, huge step! Just wanted to share, and say “THANKS COACH!”

~Peter R.


“I now eat High-Volume Club work for breakfast. So, what do you think of that?!? I’ll show you and your sadistic Club Mass Evolution™ program a thing or two, buddy. You’ll never take me alive! I think the whole ‘die and be reborn’ thing happens at about round 5 at EVERY SESSION.”

~John B.


“Clubbells are now my true love when it comes to any kind of free weight training system and the Club Mass Evolution was a truly enlightening and fabulously fun way to get trained in them, thanks to Shane Heins of Dare To Evolve.”

~Natalie G.


“I just started Cycle 2 today… I love it! I love the rhythm, the flow. I’m seeing changes in my body, too…. I feel like my metabolism has been turned back on and revved up….Even though I still have cycle 3 to go, I can honestly say that I already feel stronger than I did after 3 months of personal training linear-style.”

~Sarah D.


“Loving the Club Mass Evolution! Phase 1 is a great workout, and really looking forward to the wild variety in the coming stages!”

~Mike L.


“This program accentuates Club skill acquisition, immensely. I have been able to try and succeed with some of Coach Jone’s ballistics now. Encore! Encore!”

~Mark S.


“The nutritional guide to @Dare To Evolve’s “Club Mass Evolution” is the most sensible 11pgs on nutrition I’ve read in a fitness product”

~Duff M.


“So far, really enjoying the Club Mass Evolution™. I’m using it with a small group of women who have worked with me for several months and are familiar with clubbells – but unfamiliar with the volume. Two of them are in their seventies!”

~Jolie K.


“All I can say is AWESOME WORKOUT…much harder than it looks and choking up is a definite necessity. I was smoked. I’m a military officer with 23 years of service. I have a B.S. in physical fitness, been certified as an Army Master Fitness Trainer and at one time certified with the American College of Sports Medicine. I have been a paratrooper and served as a reconnaissance platoon leader, military police company commander, and have worked with foreign governments training their personnel in VIP protection. I have served tours in Iraq and various other Middle Eastern countries. My point is – I have been a operator my entire time, and physical fitness has always been a top priority – especially functional/tactical fitness – and I think I have the experience and knowledge to know what works (and this does). At 42 years old, I’m always searching for programs that keep me at top of my game to compete with the younger generations. Thanks for providing an awesome program that will definitely occupy a place in my own personal workout sessions.”

~Rob R 


“Day 10. High intensity day. Workout B. Still using the 15s for Barbarian lunge, Duck, Drop and Drive and Figure 8 Shield Cast. The figure 8 is still clumsy. Need to work on the form more. Good and intense workout today. Really needed this to lift up my spirit.”

~Timothy J.


“Hi Shane, As I went through your program to check the consistency of the downloads and I must congratulate you for the quality in format and content that you have provided. I own many courses from RMAX and for the lack of time and low physical conditioning I was no able to implement them in my life yet except Intu-Flow for a desperate shoulder pain which is 95% resolved. I’m glad I did not start anything yet because I feel that your program is really what I was looking for to address my number one concern: MASS. My girlfriend, after seeing your videos and some of your talks on youtube, has decided to return P90X and get into the Club Mass Evolution™ confident that she will also loose some weight in the process (women #1 concern even if transparent!) and achieve a strong, healthier and defined body. Too bad (for us here East) you are on the other side of the country. Let us know if you ever come to NYC to give a workshop. I will provide a couple of people if possible.

Regards, Marco G.”


“Dude, I’m on month 3 of Club Mass Evolution™, just finished session B for the first time …. You Evil Man !!! …. I’m smashed, but love the combo’s :)”

~Julian W.


“I con­nect with SSgt James Caw­ley, a cop and U.S. Marine Reservist, who died serv­ing his coun­try in Iraq. I had the honor of serv­ing with him and call­ing him friend. I con­nect with Sergeant Mark Ren­ninger, a for­mer Army Ranger and SWAT Offi­cer who was killed in the line of duty. I also had the honor of serv­ing with him. I serve with real life super heroes every day; Men and Women who run into burn­ing build­ings past the flames to res­cue wheel­chair bound elderly peo­ple. Or are run over by cars, and have their limbs bro­ken, but still man­age to return accu­rate gun­fire as it’s happening. God for­bid they wear span­dex cos­tumes; it likely wouldn’t be pretty. The only super pow­ers they have are the courage to run towards the gun­fire and chaos, and the resolve to deal with the real­ity that awaits them when they get there. My fil­ter is skewed; hav­ing seen real men and women do the things I’ve seen, it’s impos­si­ble to iden­tify with fic­tional char­ac­ters. I don’t mean to spoil the fun; I real­ize I’m the excep­tion, and not the rule, and that heroic char­ac­ters have rep­re­sented the story of the ideals of human­ity since the days of “Beouwulf”. Super­heroes become a social com­pli­a­tion of the best traits of peo­ple like Jim and Mark, and help us con­tinue to tell their sto­ries, even after no one is left alive who knew them. I’m here because Shane’s train­ing pro­grams aren’t fic­tion. I’m very much look­ing for­ward to the new “Hero” pro­gram; Shane cre­ates some of the best, most prac­ti­cal, and func­tional pro­grams for the real world heroes among us, and presents them in a way that is easy to under­stand, effi­cient, direct, and to the point. His pro­grams are packed with vari­ety and new chal­lenges to keep things fresh, and many of my favorite club train­ing move­ments come from Shane’s Club Mass Evo­lu­tion; I’m excited to learn new ones from this new Club Hero Evolution™.”

~M.L., 24 year Law Enforcement


“Well, the end has come. What a great program, Shane! I thoroughly enjoyed every step. It is so intelligently designed for body and mind. The mantras keep me on track, keep me focused. The warm-ups and cool downs compliment the specific exercises of each cycle. The flow of CB training is just plain fun and exciting! I always look forward to my workouts. And as such, I’m a bit sad that Club Mass Evolution™ is finished. But now I’m on to the next step of learning more about what CST can bring to my life, with an incredible foundation built for me with Club Mass Evolution™.”

~Sarah D.


“Cool! Just finished a Hi day on Club Mass Evolution™, month 2, Phase 2-very stimulating!!! My shoulders, lats, tris, chest hips legs and chest are becoming impressive! Pants are bigger in the waist, smaller in the legs. Best of all, more flexible and feel more rooted during Kung Fu practice!”

~Dr. Peter R., Alaska


“Shane, I have wanted to say this for a while. I really like your stuff. Club Mass Evolution™ was just awesome. Your instruction is perfect. The light background really makes it easy to see the movements also. Now Hero?! That looks really fun and cannot wait to start it. Great job Shane!!”

~Steve R.


“First, I have purchased the Club Hero Evolution™ package recently. I went through the manual and watch the videos. You have created a beautiful and very professional product. Thanks for all the efforts that went into that creation!”  

~Bruno B.


“Bought Club Hero Evolution™ last night (UK time) – I love the way you’ve designed the program, and is awesome how I can start it before I get the correct weight Clubs 🙂 Great job, many thanks.”

~James L.


“Thank you for what you do and for all the videos that you post! The dying warrior stretch has done wonders for me! I’m an actor and on set for anywhere between 12 and 16hrs. After doing the dying warrior at night I have so much less low back soreness. Thank you!”

~Todd R.


“Thanks for making all the great videos. It was primarily your videos that made me buy a pair of clubbells. Man oh man, I’ve done three sessions and I just can’t really explain the profound changes I’ve notice already in even a few short hours of usage. Thanks again and keep doing the good work that you do!”

~Samuel C.


“Dude, I love how you keep it real and simple. Love the videos and can’t wait to try out Club Hero Evolution™. I just started Club Mass Evolution™ and I love it. Thanks for all the great workouts.”

~Chip S.


“I love your realness, I love your straight forwardness, I love your personality and I just love you bro!! Great job!! This is totally my sort of thing where I am a “myth buster” to my friends, they hate it and love it all at the same time.”

~Courtney P.


“Hey Shane… love Mass Evolution!!! REALLY GREAT!!! I get up at 0400 and start my work outs!!! Your products are the best… of course along with your video’s! Hope you and the family are well!!!”

~Randy C.


“Earlier today, I was going to ask this same question of the difference. But I had forgotten that knowing your programs, your style, your great teaching style as I have witnessed and possibly mimicked, I just knew that one would complement the other and of course such a great price for a program no doubt much more ‘expensive’ in its just dessert rewards than one is paying for, I’m going to grab it immediately. I love what you’re doing Shane. You are a pioneer blazing his own fruitful trail based on a great interpretation of such a wonderful system and protocol as CST/Tacfit and your own laboratory experimenting. The best compliment I think I can give you is that “I trust you.” ”

~Kevin L D.


“Wanted to mention that you are an excellent instructor. Really appreciating your style of communication & demonstration. Many ‘trainers’ know exercises and are excellent at what they do. But not all have the skill of being good teachers. I’ve been a yoga teacher & medical rep (teaching doctors) for many years and I feel capable of assessing such things. You are a Natural!”

~Paul M.


Check out the Club Mass Evolution Beta-testers page.

Get the Club Evolution Training Programs HERE.