Everyone wants an effective workout that really produces results. Everyone wants to be fit. But fit for what? What are you fit for? And more importantly, are you fit to live your best LIFE?! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Everyone wants an effective workout that really produces results. Everyone wants to be fit. But fit for what? What are you fit for? And more importantly, are you fit to live your best LIFE?! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#3– Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Leg Swoop 3! Next phase in the journey with Shane Heins (CST Head Coach), to going “around the world” in this dynamic movement that develops arm strength, core stability and hip mobility all packed into one! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#2– Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Leg Swoop 2! Shane Heins (CST Head Coach), developing this dynamic “around the world” movement that develops arm strength, core stability and hip mobility all packed into one continues! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#1– Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Leg Swoop 1! Shane Heins (CST Head Coach), takes you step by step to developing this dynamic “around the world” movement that develops arm strength, core stability and hip mobility all packed into one! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Check the variety of applications for the Clubbell, with CST Instructor Aydanur Sirin, as she explores training with such a dynamic tool. For complete training programs using Clubbells, check out: http://www.clubbellheroevolution.com/ & http://clubbellmassevolution.com/ Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#3– TACFIT Tutorial- Scorpion Strike! Shane Heins (a CST Head Coach and TACFIT Team Leader) takes you through the last level of sophistication to deliver the final STRIKE! Connecting the core like nothing else. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#2– TACFIT Tutorial- Scorpion Strike! In this tutorial series, Shane Heins (a CST Head Coach and TACFIT Team Leader) continues to take you through progressions for an exercise that will seriously strengthen your core and it’s connection to rotation and power. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#1– TACFIT Tutorial- Scorpion Strike! In this newest tutorial series, Shane Heins (a CST Head Coach and TACFIT Team Leader) takes you through progressions for an exercise that will seriously strengthen your core and it’s connection to rotation and power. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
So you want to get in amazing shape without all the pain and breakdown, do you? Well TACFIT delivers. Only catch is, it requires stripping down to a whole deeper level of yourself. You ready to Go Commando? Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Check the variety of applications for the Clubbell, introducing CST Instructor Aydanur Sirin, as she explores training with such a dynamic tool. For complete training programs using Clubbells, check out: http://www.clubbellheroevolution.com/ & http://clubbellmassevolution.com/ Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading