There’s a revolution in the world of bodyweight exercise, and Gymnos uses it as part of the Evolution. Check out TACFIT and Go Commando! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
There’s a revolution in the world of bodyweight exercise, and Gymnos uses it as part of the Evolution. Check out TACFIT and Go Commando! Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Shane gets back to the basics. Push-ups. One of the most common and mis-used exercises. Take strength and shoulder health to the next level. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Shane gets back to the basics addressing foundational movements that once shored up, provide the platform from which to launch a greater connection to movement. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
Immense mental preparation and a gargantuan effort….just to get out of bed.The utmost caution required to pick anything up off the floor. Sitting down a must….if I wanted to hold my son in an embrace.Could stand upright for no more than 5 minutes before having to leaning over a table, counter or wall.And I wasn’t even… Continue Reading
#3– Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Spinal Rock 3! The final instalment with CST Head Coach Shane Heins. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#2 – Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Spinal Rock 2! With CST Head Coach Shane Heins. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#1 – Circular Strength Training Tutorial- Spinal Rock 1! With CST Head Coach Shane Heins. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#4 – CIRCULAR STRENGTH TRAINING TUTORIAL- QUAD HOP 4! The final instalment with CST Head Coach Shane Heins. Continue Reading
#3 – CIRCULAR STRENGTH TRAINING TUTORIAL- QUAD HOP 3! With CST Head Coach Shane Heins. Dare To Evolve! Continue Reading
#2 – CIRCULAR STRENGTH TRAINING TUTORIAL- QUAD HOP 2! With CST Head Coach Shane Heins. Continue Reading