Train With Shane: Club Mass Evolution – Day 12

Accepting “tension” of the past.
Releasing “tension” for the future.


Stand for what sets your heart afire.

Then surrender to it.


Courage in Release.
Strength in Release.
Life in Release.

Dare To Evolve,


Shane Heins is the founder and owner of Dare To Evolve.

6 Responses to Train With Shane: Club Mass Evolution – Day 12

  1. Great post!
    I must have a lot of past tension because I would love release from it. Desspite last week doing mobility and streaches I still have something locked up in the left hip. I was still able to pull off a personal best in a Duathlon last Saturday just a bit tough coming out of the tuck position on the
    So this week I’m starting workout A mod, all with a 15 or 20lb club. See where it takes me.
    Strength in Release I hope. Have a great week everyone!!


    • Alright Scott! Congrats on getting a new personal best. And you know what’s even more awesome about this? You still are looking at where there is excessive tension, paying attention and being mindful to release it.

      Most would look at what they’ve done, and seeing that huge improvement say: “Well if I could improve by that much this round, then if I work even harder I’ll be able to do even better next round.” Yet that’s exactly the pattern many athletes fall into, which sets them on the path to diminishing returns. Whereas because you are still rocking it strong, you are attending to the recovery and seeing that as key to your forward progress. And as a result? You WILL see continued improvement in performances moving forward.

  2. I love the mobility days, they seem to remew some injured areas on my body and make them feel so much better. I have an old shoulder injury that has almost stopped aching from a combination of accupuncture, massage and mobility work.

    • Right on Brent. It’s funny. I love mobility days as well. Yet, some days, I’ll put it off, put it off, put it off… until finally it’s the end of the day and I finally have to get it in or it won’t happen at all. And upon doing so, I feel amazing and I always find myself saying “Why didn’t I do this at the beginning of the day?!! It feels so good.” ;D

  3. Hi Scott, congratulations on the Duathlon success!

    With respect to tension, I hear you loud and clear! And it’s exactly that persistent past tension in the right upper back that eventually triggers new tension(s) reverberating up and down the spine.
    The highlight some days ago was an acutely stiff neck that ironically came on during mobility.
    So in the past few days I had to stay off the clubs – so it’s been release, release, and release only.

    With good success – I feel I’m ready to re-join the fray tomorrow, club in hand.

    • Something I’ve gotten regularly from clients I’ve trained:
      “So Shane, you know that thing in my hip that was hurting? Well it’s gone. But now my lower back is hurting.” My response: “Great! It’s moving back to where it started.”

      I used to initially spend a lot of time trying to source where this new kink was coming from, until I realized that moving back through the pattern it originally travelled was more than likely what was going on. So I changed my approach and sure enough, we’d see the “hurt” move it’s way back to where the tension was sourcing from and then… poof.

      It can feel like mobility triggered it, when it’s finally released what we’ve been moving to unlock. You did exactly right to give it’s time with additional release. Your club work will thank you for it!
