Participate or Contribute?



There is a fine line between Participate and Contribute.

That difference resides in the choice you make.

When we participate:

  • we are there, but it does not necessitate that we be “present”.
  • we need only take part, not take whole
  • we are in a position to receive without having to give.
  • we can do so without commitment

When we contribute:

  • we invest wholeheartedly in what lies before us
  • we give of ourselves honestly to exploring the process
  • we step forward with the courage to share the best part of ourselves with each other
  • we value all present
  • we are grateful for all involved

This weekend at the 1st Annual Evolution Power Pack, presented by Wolf Fitness Systems and Dare To Evolve, we witnessed a choice made that moved us (as the presenters) to our core.

We witnessed an entire gathering of individuals, all with different backgrounds and experience levels, come together and CHOOSE to CONTRIBUTE, as they poured of their hearts, minds and bodies into the spirit of the event. Every. Last. One. Of. Them.




Everyone moved in a unified effort towards fanning the flames of their continuing Life Evolution, and in so doing supported each along the way, amplifying exponentially the POWER being generated in this gathering. And it showed, to a degree and depth unlike any of us at Wolf Fitness or Dare To Evolve had yet experienced.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for your immense contribution to the Evolution.

It was an absolute honour and blessing to have you all with us as we launched the Evolution Power Pack. Because you were what made it what it was. You brought the vision of this endeavour to life. And the vibrancy of that life is only growing ever more from here.

Keep Daring To Evolve,


Shane Heins is the founder and owner of Dare To Evolve.

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